فراشات مبدعة

عن أبي هريرة عن رسول الله أنه قال :
" لولا بنو إسرائيل لم يخنز اللحم ، .................. "
رواه البخاري ومسلم
والإخناز هو التغيير والفساد .
و يفسربض العلماء هذا الحديث بأن اللحم كان قبل بني إسرائيل لا يخنز ولا يفسد ، وإن ترك أزماناً،
أي إن طبيعة اللحم كانت غير قابلة للفساد .
ثم إن الله عاقب بني إسرائيل بذنوبهم وبطرهم حين ما كان ينزل عليهم المن والسلوى ،
فتغيرت طبيعة اللحم وصارت إلى الفساد والإخناز إذا ما ترك اللحم .
قالوا : والله يعاقب على المعاصي كثيراً بالعقوبات الدنيوية ، والمصائب في الأموال والطعام والشراب .

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

فراشات مبدعة

عن أبي هريرة عن رسول الله أنه قال :
" لولا بنو إسرائيل لم يخنز اللحم ، .................. "
رواه البخاري ومسلم
والإخناز هو التغيير والفساد .
و يفسربض العلماء هذا الحديث بأن اللحم كان قبل بني إسرائيل لا يخنز ولا يفسد ، وإن ترك أزماناً،
أي إن طبيعة اللحم كانت غير قابلة للفساد .
ثم إن الله عاقب بني إسرائيل بذنوبهم وبطرهم حين ما كان ينزل عليهم المن والسلوى ،
فتغيرت طبيعة اللحم وصارت إلى الفساد والإخناز إذا ما ترك اللحم .
قالوا : والله يعاقب على المعاصي كثيراً بالعقوبات الدنيوية ، والمصائب في الأموال والطعام والشراب .

فراشات مبدعة

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
فراشات مبدعة

أكبر تجمع للمشروعات الإبداعية والموسوعات

 سلسلة شرايط تاريخ فلسطين د / طارق سويدان                                        كلمات متقاطعة تنمي معارف طفلك عن فلسطين                                                        مواقف كرتونية لتوعية أطفالنا بقضية فلسظين                                     
مشاهد تمثيلية لنصرة القضية الفلسطينية                                                  قصص تعينك على شرح قضية فلسطين لطفلك                                                  خمسون ياولدي تمر ooo ونحن نفترش التراب                           
رسومات للتلوين تغرس الاهتمام بقضية فلسطين في طفلك                                                   لاتغادر قبل ان تشاهد هذا الفيديو فكلمة راااااائع قليلة في حقه                                   
 قرد زعلان جدا ورافع قضية شوف ليه ؟؟بالصور                                                   ياقوم هذا فعلهم فأين فعلنا ؟؟ ( مشاهد فيديو )                                                  دليل الأقصى المصور                                                   أطفال نتعلم منهم صوت وصورة                                             سلسلة شرايط عمرو خالد فلسطين أمل وعمل                                                  سلسلة شرايط د / جمال عبد الهادي تاريخ بيت المقدس                                                     كتاب مميز جدا معركة الوجود بين القرآن والتلمود د/عبد الستار فتح الله                                                   كيف نربي جيل النصر ؟؟                        
 100 طريقة لغرس الوعي بقضية فلسطين عند أطفالك                                                    مدارس اليهود وكيفية تدريس الرياضيات                                                      لوحات مقدسية مسرحية استعراضية من ثلاثة فصول ( فيديو )                                                   ماذا سيكون شعورك لو حصل مافي هذه الصورة؟؟؟                                                   هل تعتقد أنك واحد ممن يقصدهم هذا الفيلم ؟؟                                                   ألعاب للأطفال لنصرة الأقصى                                                   مواقف كرتونية لتوعية أطفالنا بقضية فلسطين                                                  الكثير منا لايعرف هذه المعلومة عن المسجد الأقصى ( شاهد الفيديو لتعرفها )                                                    أسئلة مسابقة في سلسلة شرايط د / جمال عبد الهادي                                                    4 طرق لربط طفلك بقضية فلسطين                                                       
 علمي طفلك كيف يبدع ببالونته ؟؟                                                   بالورق الملون والمقص فقط اعملي أشكال خرااافة لزينة الحفلات                                                   سلة تحفة روووعة من الصلصال من صنع أحلى أطفال                                                  ارسم وجها بالأرقام واعمل بنفسك لوحة رااااائعة                               

المواضيع الأخيرة

» اوراق عمل تثري القدرات الاملائيه لطالب الثاني ابتدائي
The plural form Emptyالأربعاء أكتوبر 10, 2018 11:21 am من طرف salmosa1

» موسوعة شيلان كروشية بالباترون
The plural form Emptyالخميس سبتمبر 06, 2018 8:24 pm من طرف ام ايه والى

» الحروف العربية ( الأبجدية ) مع الصور للتلوين
The plural form Emptyالخميس فبراير 08, 2018 2:14 pm من طرف يحيي

» أكثر من 30 رسمة للتلوين لغرس السلوكيات الإسلامية
The plural form Emptyالجمعة يناير 26, 2018 6:55 am من طرف wided-algerie

» نمي مهارات طفلك الحسابية واليدوية مع لعبة وصل الأرقام واكتشف الصورة
The plural form Emptyالإثنين يناير 22, 2018 3:53 pm من طرف أم بناتها

» كتيب اعمال يدويةو فنية للاطفال
The plural form Emptyالسبت يناير 20, 2018 2:11 am من طرف wided-algerie

» موسوعة كوفيات الكروشية (crochet scarfs ) بالباترون
The plural form Emptyالثلاثاء يناير 16, 2018 9:58 pm من طرف yokeioa

» لعبة وصل الأرقام واكتشف الصورة لتنمية ذكاء الاطفال
The plural form Emptyالأحد يناير 07, 2018 2:34 pm من طرف أم بناتها

» جاكيت طويل شتوي بالكروشية مع الباترون
The plural form Emptyالخميس يناير 04, 2018 7:24 pm من طرف atikaaa

» علب مناديل بالخرز 3 موديلات بالباترون
The plural form Emptyالأربعاء يونيو 07, 2017 5:11 am من طرف فتح الفتوح

» توب كله انوووووووووووثه من عمل ايديك
The plural form Emptyالسبت مايو 20, 2017 8:36 pm من طرف ام ايه والى

» 6 مفارش كروشية مستديرة وخطيرة بالباترون
The plural form Emptyالسبت مايو 20, 2017 8:31 pm من طرف ام ايه والى

» من بنطلون قديم وتيشرت اعملي توب راااااائع كله انوووووثه
The plural form Emptyالسبت مايو 20, 2017 8:27 pm من طرف ام ايه والى

» 4 وحدات يعملوا جيليه رووووووعة بالكروشية مع الباترون
The plural form Emptyالسبت مايو 20, 2017 8:14 pm من طرف ام ايه والى

» جيليه يضفي على ملابسك شياااااااااكة كروشية بالباترون
The plural form Emptyالسبت مايو 20, 2017 7:45 pm من طرف ام ايه والى

» باليرو ررررررررررررررقة كروشية بالباترون
The plural form Emptyالسبت أبريل 22, 2017 4:59 am من طرف Aya tarek

» الأرقام الانجليزية من ( 1 - 10 ) للتلوين
The plural form Emptyالسبت أبريل 08, 2017 1:18 am من طرف vimto

» 4 مفارش ايتامين لها حواف كروشية خطيرررررررة بالباترون
The plural form Emptyالإثنين مارس 27, 2017 5:07 am من طرف شعاع النور

» موسوعة وحدات كروشية على شكل أدوات مطبخ بالباترون
The plural form Emptyالإثنين مارس 20, 2017 6:48 pm من طرف ام الحنون

» شنطة حلوووووة من تيشيرت قديم
The plural form Emptyالثلاثاء فبراير 28, 2017 6:48 pm من طرف ماردين

» تفنني بخياطه فستان ناعم لنفسك بدون باترون والطريقة بالفيديو
The plural form Emptyالثلاثاء فبراير 28, 2017 6:46 pm من طرف ماردين

» خياطة تنورة قصيرة بكرانيش بدون باترون آخر انوووووثة ( فيديو )
The plural form Emptyالثلاثاء فبراير 28, 2017 6:24 pm من طرف ماردين

» من بوكسر زوجك اعملي تنورة امووووووووورة
The plural form Emptyالثلاثاء فبراير 28, 2017 6:21 pm من طرف ماردين

» التيشيرت الساحر فصلي منه 10 موديلات منتهى البساطة
The plural form Emptyالثلاثاء فبراير 28, 2017 5:56 pm من طرف ماردين

» لون وتعلم المحافظة على آداب الطعام
The plural form Emptyالسبت فبراير 25, 2017 9:12 pm من طرف هدى ؟؟؟؟

    The plural form

    قلب صاف
    قلب صاف

    الجنس : انثى
    عدد المساهمات : 1619
    نقاط : 4034
    السٌّمعَة : 30
    تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2009
    تعاليق : أحبكم في الله
    الاوسمة The plural form Jb12915568671

    The plural form Empty The plural form

    مُساهمة من طرف Ù‚لب صاف الأربعاء سبتمبر 28, 2011 5:35 am

    منهج الانجليزي english منهج الانجليزي english منهج الانجليزي english منهج الانجليزي english
    منهج الانجليزي english منهج الانجليزي english منهج الانجليزي english
    منهج الانجليزي english منهج الانجليزي english
    منهج الانجليزي english

    The plural form 4161359617

    The plural form

    The plural form of most nouns is created simply by adding the letter s.

    · more than one snake = snakes

    · more than one ski = skis

    · more than one Barrymore = Barrymores

    Words that end in -ch, x, s or s-like sounds, however, will require an -es for the plural:

    · more than one witch = witches

    · more than one box = boxes

    · more than one gas = gases

    · more than one bus = buses

    · more than one kiss = kisses

    · more than one Jones = Joneses

    that some dictionaries list "busses" as an acceptable plural for "bus."
    Presumably, this is because the plural "buses" looks like it ought to
    rhyme with the plural of "fuse," which is "fuses." "Buses" is still
    listed as the preferable plural form. "Busses" is the plural, of course,
    for "buss," a seldom used word for "kiss."

    There are several nouns that have irregular plural forms. Plurals formed in this way are sometimes called mutated (or mutating) plurals.

    · more than one child = children

    · more than one woman = women

    · more than one man = men

    · more than one person = people

    · more than one goose = geese

    · more than one mouse = mice

    · more than one barracks = barracks

    · more than one deer = deer

    And, finally, there are nouns that maintain their Latin or Greek form in the plural. (See media and data and alumni, below.)

    · more than one nucleus = nuclei

    · more than one syllabus = syllabi

    · more than one focus = foci

    · more than one fungus = fungi

    · more than one cactus = cacti (cactuses is acceptable)

    · more than one thesis = theses

    · more than one crisis = crises*

    · more than one phenomenon = phenomena

    · more than one index = indices (indexes is acceptable)

    · more than one appendix = appendices (appendixes is acceptable)

    · more than one criterion = criteria

    *Note the pronunciation of this word, crises: the second syllable sounds like ease. More than one base in the game of baseball is bases, but more than one basis for an argument, say, is also bases, and then we pronounce the word basease.

    A handful of nouns appear to be plural in form but take a singular verb:

    · The news is bad.

    · Gymnastics is fun to watch.

    · Economics/mathematics/statistics is said to be difficult. ("Economics" can sometimes be a plural concept, as in "The economics of the situation demand that . . . .")

    expressions are usually singular, but can be plural if the individuals
    within a numerical group are acting individually:

    · Fifty thousand dollars is a lot of money.

    · One-half of the faculty is retiring this summer.

    · One-half of the faculty have doctorates.

    · Fifty percent of the students have voted already.

    And another handful of nouns might seem to be singular in nature but take a plural form and always use a plural verb:

    · My pants are torn. (Nowadays you will sometimes see this word as a singular "pant" [meaning one pair of pants] especially in clothing ads, but most writers would regard that as an affectation.)

    · Her scissors were stolen.

    · The glasses have slipped down his nose again.

    a noun names the title of something or is a word being used as a word,
    it is singular whether the word takes a singular form or not.

    · Faces is the name of the new restaurant downtown.

    · Okies, which most people regard as a disparaging word, was first used to describe the residents of Oklahoma during the 1930s.

    · Chelmsley Brothers is the best moving company in town.

    · Postcards is my favorite novel.

    · The term Okies was used to describe the residents of Oklahoma during the 1930s. (In this sentence, the word Okies is actually an appositive for the singular subject, "term.")

    Plural Compound Nouns

    words create special problems when we need to pluralize them. As a
    general rule, the element within the compound that word that is
    pluralized will receive the plural -s, but it's not always that simple. Daughters-in-law follows the general rule, but cupfuls does not. See the special section on
    Compound Nouns and Modifiers or, better yet, a good dictionary, for additional help.

    Problem Children

    Many careful writers insist that the words data and media
    are Latin plurals and must, therefore, be used as plural words. The
    singular Latin forms of these words, however, are seldom used: datum as a single bit of information or medium as a single means of communication. Many authorities nowadays approve sentences like My data is lost. and The media is out to get the President. Even textbooks in computer science are beginning to use "data" as a singular.

    Alumni and alumnae remain problematic. The plural of masculine singular alumnus is alumni; the plural of feminine singular alumna is alumnae. In traditional Latin, the masculine plural form, alumni,
    could include both genders. This does not go over well with some female
    alums. We note, furthermore, that Vassar College, which now has both,
    has lists of alumni and alumnae. Hartford College for Women, we assume,
    has only alumnae. In its publication style manual, Wesleyan University
    approves of alumni/ae. The genderless graduate and the truncated and informal alum have much to commend them.

    Special Cases

    With words that end in a consonant and a y, you'll need to change the y to an i and add es.

    · more than one baby = babies

    · more than one gallery = galleries
    (Notice the difference between this and galleys, where the final y is not preceded by a consonant.)

    · more than one reality = realities
    This rule does not apply to proper nouns:

    · more than one Kennedy = Kennedys

    Words that end in o create special problems.

    · more than one potato = potatoes

    · more than one hero = heroes
    . . . however . . .

    · more than one memo = memos

    · more than one cello = cellos
    . . . and for words where another vowel comes before the o . . .

    · more than one stereo = stereos

    Plurals of words that end in -f or -fe usually change the f sound to a v sound and add s or -es.

    · more than one knife = knives

    · more than one leaf = leaves

    · more than one hoof = hooves

    · more than one life = lives

    · more than one self = selves

    · more than one elf = elves

    There are, however, exceptions:

    · more than one dwarf = dwarfs

    · more than one roof = roofs

    When in doubt, as always, consult a dictionary. Some dictionaries, for instance, will list both wharfs and wharves as acceptable plural forms of wharf. It makes for good arguments when you're playing Scrabble. The online version of Merriam-Webster's WWWebster Dictionary should help.

    Collective Nouns, Company Names,
    Family Names, Sports Teams

    There are, further, so called collective nouns,
    which are singular when we think of them as groups and plural when we
    think of the individuals acting within the whole (which happens
    sometimes, but not often).



    [the] number

    Thus, if we're talking about eggs, we could say "A dozen is probably not enough." But if we're talking partying with our friends, we could say, "A dozen are coming over this afternoon." The jury delivers its verdict. [But] The jury came in and took their seats. We could say the Tokyo String Quartet is one of the best string ensembles in the world, but we could say the Beatles were
    some of the most famous singers in history. Generally, band names and
    musical groups take singular or plural verbs depending on the form of
    their names: "The Mamas and the Papas were one of the best groups of the 70s" and "Metallica is my favorite band."

    Note that "the number" is a singular collective noun. "The number of applicants is steadily increasing." "A number," on the other hand, is a plural form: "There are several students in the lobby. A number are here to see the president."

    Collective nouns are count nouns which means they, themselves, can be pluralized: a university has several athletic teams and classes. And the immigrant families kept watch over their herds and flocks.

    The word following the phrase one of the (as an object of the preposition of) will always be plural.

    · One of the reasons we do this is that it rains a lot in spring.

    · One of the students in this room is responsible.

    Notice, though, that the verb ("is") agrees with one, which is singular, and not with the object of the preposition, which is always plural.

    When a family name
    (a proper noun) is pluralized, we almost always simply add an "s." So
    we go to visit the Smiths, the Kennedys, the Grays, etc.When a family
    name ends in s, x, ch, sh, or z, however, we form the plural by added -es, as in the Marches, the Joneses, the Maddoxes, the Bushes, the Rodriguezes. Do not form a family name plural by using an apostrophe; that device is reserved for creating possessive forms.

    a proper noun ends in an "s" with a hard "z" sound, we don't add any
    ending to form the plural: "The Chambers are coming to dinner" (not the
    Chamberses); "The Hodges used to live here" (not the Hodgeses). There
    are exceptions even to this: we say "The Joneses are coming over," and
    we'd probably write "The Stevenses are coming, too." A modest proposal:
    women whose last names end in "s" (pronounced "z") should marry and take
    the names of men whose last names do not end with that sound, and
    eventually this problem will disappear.

    The names of companies and other organizations are usually regarded as singular, regardless of their ending: "General Motors has announced its
    fall lineup of new vehicles." Try to avoid the inconsistency that is
    almost inevitable when you think of corporate entities as a group of
    individuals: "General Motors has announced their fall
    lineup of new vehicles." But note that some inconsistency is acceptable
    in all but the most formal writing: "Ford has announced its breakup with
    Firestone Tires. Their cars will no longer use tires built by
    Firestone." Some writers will use a plural verb when a plural
    construction such as "Associates" is part of the company's title or when
    the title consists of a series of names: "Upton, Vernon, and Gridley are moving to new law offices next week" or "Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego & Associates have won all their cases this year." Singular verbs and pronouns would be correct in those sentences, also.

    The names of sports teams, on the other hand, are treated as plurals, regardless of the form of that name. We would write that "The Yankees have signed a new third baseman" and "The Yankees are a great organization" (even if we're Red Sox fans) and that "For two years in a row, the Utah Jazz have
    attempted to draft a big man." When we refer to a team by the city in
    which it resides, however, we use the singular, as in "Dallas has attempted to secure the services of two assistant coaches that Green Bay hopes
    to keep." (This is decidedly not a British practice. In the UK, the
    city or country names by which British newspapers refer to soccer teams,
    for example, are used as plurals — a practice that seems odd and
    inconsistent to American ears: "A minute's silence will precede the game
    at Le Stadium today, when Toulouse play Munster, and tomorrow at Lansdowne Road, when Leinster attempt to reach their first European final by beating Perpignan" [report in the online London Times].)

    In a rare dictum-making mood, William Safire (in No Uncertain Terms,
    2003) declares that pluralized names like Packers and Yankees should
    take plural verbs (obviously), but that team names like the Jazz, the
    Heat, the Lightning, the Connecticut Sun should take singular verbs.
    This dictum seems to prevail in Safire's own New York Times: "The [Miami] Heat, typical of its resilience at home, was far from through. " But just about everywhere else in the world of sports reporting, this is not the case. Even in the Times, an AP report asserts that "The Heat, down 2-0 in the East Conference semifinal series, have won 16 straight home games." The Boston Globe says that "the [New England] Revolution are reestablishing their reputation for resourcefulness and spirited play." and "the Heat were in it in the first half." The Hartford Courant writes that "When the Connecticut Sun play
    an exhibition game tonight in Houston, coach Mike Thibault will have
    two more players." Finally, NBA Media Ventures writes that "The Utah
    Jazz were expected to follow the rebuilding mode… ." [All quotations are from May 10th and 20th, 2004, online sources.)

    Plurals and Apostrophes

    We use an apostrophe to create plural forms
    in two limited situations: for pluralized letters of the alphabet and
    when we are trying to create the plural form of a word that refers to
    the word itself. Here we also should italicize this "word as word," but
    not the 's ending that belongs to it. Do not use the apostrophe+s
    to create the plural of acronyms (pronounceable abbreviations such as
    laser and IRA and URL*) and other abbreviations. (A possible exception
    to this last rule is an acronym that ends in "S": "We filed four NOS's
    in that folder.")

    · Jeffrey got four A's on his last report card.

    · Towanda learned very quickly to mind her p's and q's.

    · You have fifteen and's in that last paragraph.

    Notice that we do not use an apostrophe -s
    to create the plural of a word-in-itself. For instance, we would refer
    to the "ins and outs" of a mystery, the "yeses and nos" of a vote (NYPL Writer's Guide to Style and Usage), and we assume that Theodore Bernstein knew what he was talking about in his book Dos, Don'ts & Maybes of English Usage. We would also write "The shortstop made two spectacular outs in that inning." But when we refer to a word-as-a-word, we first italicize it — I pointed out the use of the word out
    in that sentence. — and if necessary, we pluralize it by adding the
    unitalicized apostrophe -s — "In his essay on prepositions, Jose used an
    astonishing three dozen out's." This practice is not universally
    followed, and in newspapers, you would find our example sentence
    written without italics or apostrophe: "You have fifteen ands in that
    last paragraph."

    abbreviations have embedded plural forms, and there are often
    inconsistencies in creating the plurals of these words. The speed of an
    internal combustion engine is measured in "revolutions per minute" or rpm (lower case) and the efficiency of an automobile is reported in "miles per gallon" or mpg (no "-s" endings). On the other hand, baseball players love to accumulate "runs batted in," a statistic that is usually reported as RBIs (although it would not be terribly unusual to hear that someone got 100 RBI last year — and some baseball commentators will talk about "ribbies," too). Also, the U.S. military provides "meals ready to eat" and those rations are usually described as MREs
    (not MRE). When an abbreviation can be used to refer to a singular
    thing — a run batted in, a meal ready-to-eat, a prisoner of war — it's
    surely a good idea to form the plural by adding "s" to the abbreviation:
    RBIs, MREs, POWs. (Notice that no apostrophe is involved in the
    formation of these plurals. Whether abbreviations like these are formed
    with upper- or lower-case letters is a matter of great mystery; only
    your dictionary editor knows for sure.)

    Notice, furthermore, that we do not use an apostrophe to create plurals in the following:

    · The 1890s in Europe are widely regarded as years of social decadence.

    · I have prepared 1099s for the entire staff.

    · Rosa and her brother have identical IQs, and they both have PhDs from Harvard.

    · She has over 400 URLs* in her bookmark file.

    Authority for this last paragraph: Keys for Writers: A Brief Handbook by Ann Raimes. Houghton Mifflin: New York. 1996.

    Singular Subjects, Plural Predicates, etc.

    We frequently run into a situation in which a singular subject is linked to a plural predicate:

    · My favorite breakfast is cereal with fruit, milk, orange juice, and toast.

    Sometimes, too, a plural subject can be linked to singular predicate:

    · Mistakes in parallelism are the only problem here.

    such situations, remember that the number (singular or plural) of the
    subject, not the predicate, determines the number of the verb. See the
    section on
    Subject-Verb Agreement for further help.

    special situation exists when a subject seems not to agree with its
    predicate. For instance, when we want each student to see his or her
    counselor (and each student is assigned to only one counselor), but we
    want to avoid that "his or her" construction by pluralizing, do we say
    "Students must see their counselors" or "Students must see their counselor"? The singular counselor is necesssary to avoid the implication that students have more than one counselor apiece. Do we say "Many sons dislike their father or fathers"? We don't mean to suggest that the sons have more than one father, so we use the singular father. Theodore Bernstein, in Dos, Don'ts and Maybes of English Usage,
    says that "Idiomatically the noun applying to more than one person
    remains in the singular when (a) it represents a quality or thing
    possessed in common ("The audience's curiosity was aroused"); or (b) it is an abstraction ("The judges applied their reason to the problem"), or (c) it is a figurative word ("All ten children had a sweet tooth")
    (203). Sometimes good sense will have to guide you. We might want to
    say "Puzzled, the children scratched their head" to avoid the image of
    multi-headed children, but "The audience rose to their foot" is plainly
    ridiculous and about to tip over.

    "The boys moved their car/cars," the plural would indicate that each
    boy owned a car, the singular that the boys (together) owned one car
    (which is quite possible). It is also possible that each boy owned more
    than one car. Be prepared for such situations, and consider carefully
    the implications of using either the singular or the plural. You might
    have to avoid the problem by going the opposite direction of
    pluralizing: moving things to the singular and talking about what each
    boy did

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو السبت مايو 11, 2024 7:54 pm